Information on the fixed-term deposit account for private customers

Secure your investment success

VakifBank International AG's term deposit account is the ideal investment for your individual needs! You determine the desired term between 3 months and 5 years and we offer you an absolutely risk-free return with a fixed interest guarantee. You can secure our unbeatable conditions from a one-off deposit of just 1,000 euros!

Special conditions for term deposits

Investment amount

In addition to the minimum investment amount of 1,000 euros, you can freely choose any investment amount.

Type of deposit and account management

  • The deposit is a term deposit with an agreed maturity and a fixed interest rate.
  • Additional payments and partial withdrawals during the term are excluded.
  • The minimum term is 3 months.
  • Unless you issue instructions to the contrary up to one working day before the maturity date, the deposit will be extended on the maturity date with the same term and at the interest rate applicable at that time.
  • No charges or fees are charged for account management.
  • The statutory capital gains tax (KESt) is withheld from the interest to be paid out and paid to the tax office.


  • The interest rate on the deposit is fixed for the agreed term.
  • The settled interest is available to the customer on his clearing account.

Account closure

  • The deposit will be settled and the respective account closed if a written order is received from the customer.
  • Early withdrawals in part or in full are not permitted. The customer may only terminate the contract prematurely for good cause if the good cause does not lie within the customer's sphere of interest and the continuation of the contractual relationship is unreasonable for the customer. The burden of proof for the existence of good cause lies with the customer.
  • If the account is closed prematurely, an interest rate of 0.01% for the term already invested will be paid instead of the agreed interest rate.

Deposit protection and investor compensation


Due to EU directives, implemented in Austria in the Austrian Banking Act (BWG), every credit institution that accepts deposits or provides investment services subject to mandatory protection is legally obliged to belong to a protection scheme.

VakifBank International AG is a member of Einlagensicherung AUSTRIA GesmbH. As a protection organisation, the company guarantees the payment of deposits up to a maximum amount of EUR 100,000. For your information, you can obtain the legal text with all the details from our branches.

The exceptions to the deposit guarantee and investor compensation can be found in Section 10 (1) (3) and Section 47 (2) ESAEG.

Further information:

Deposit Guarantee and Investor Compensation Act (ESAEG)
Information sheet for the depositor

General Terms and Conditions

In addition, the General Terms and Conditions the VakifBank International AG.